I started my period on cd26. If my calculations are correct that means my luteal phase was only 10 days long. So I am on cd5 of this cycle and day 3 of Femara.
Hello sweaty, angry, constipated woman.
Here is my question Internet readers if my luteal phase was only 10 days last time, should I supplement with prometrium this cycle upon ovulation? I have leftover prometrium from pg#6. It's not expired but I wonder if it's still good. My docs have always prescribed prometrium after a BFP confirmed blood test with a progesterone test. My progesterone level usually rides around 18-19 and my RE likes it to be 20 or higher with a pregnancy. My blood test last week was 16. Does Femara make you have a higher progesterone level? I guess I need to research some more on Dr. google.
I know the jury is out in the medical world as to whether supplemental progesterone is helpful. However it's one more thing I have a little control over.. and you know how much I love control. In fact that was one of my first tape's Janet Jackson 'Control'.
My lovely nurse Mia said I could come in for an u/s around ovulation since the OPK's are liars and whores. That way we could see if I produced any good follicles. Then she said you're having "home intercourse" right? For some reason this makes me laugh. I know she meant you're not doing IUI. but all I could think was as opposed to car intercourse or office intercourse. Tee Hee. My dh did not see the humor but maybe he doesn't get IF humor.
I would definitely ask for a new prescription for the prometrium. Even with my progesterone levels at 21/22, I still can't carry a pregnancy, so my RE is putting me on 200mg/day to up it to near 30. Love the IF humor, too;-)
PS- start the prometrium 3 days after O. Don't wait to a BFP because progesterone is needed to support implantation:-)
I wholeheartedly agree with the other comments. You can look back at my cycle posts but I was between 9 and 11 days for my luteal phase and with my miscarriage #2 my progesterone was 19. With pregnancy it was 47 with progesterone supplementation, beginning 3 days after O.
I do not think it can hurt to take control from them and ask for supplementation...
I would also take the prometrium. And ask for a new script- if they don't give you one for whatever reason start taking what you've got!
Love the IF humor :))))
Femara should raise your progesterone levels. The idea is that with more follicles, you'll have more eggs and more corpus luteums. The Corpus Luteum is what produces the progesterone. I would talk to your doctor about the prometrium. I agree with the other commenters that you want to wait 3 days after ovulation till you start using it, but best to clear it with your doc first.
I regularly have 10 day luteal phases. In fact, I've had that all my life. I didn't know it wasn't normal until I started trying to get pregnant myself.
Just wanted to say that I'm thinking of you... ~Hugs~
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