About Me

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North Carolina, United States
I'm a 36yr old, wife, wannabe mom, horticulturalist, halfass knitter, and sometimes runner, searching for my grace

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Jumping in

I decided to go forward with Intralipids. I fly to Chi-town Saturday morning and have my infusion Monday morning. The flight was considerably cheaper by flying on Sat. so my mom is going with me. I'm glad to have company. I feel good about my decision. If this pg ends badly at least I will know that I tried everything I could to protect it. I feel like I can be at peace with that


Good Timing said...

Good luck to you! Everything is looking promising so far and it will be good to know that you did all you could. :)

Sue said...

Really hoping all goes well. Whatever happens, it's always good to know you tried everything.

Suzie said...

Holy Cow...I'm behind on my blog reading and I just saw you are preggers!! Congrats to you and good luck with everything! I'll send positive thoughts and prayers your way!